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Friday, May 01, 2009

another memory

nothing to do this morning, so i checked friends’ blogs and found out this..


by alvin, mela, eileen, cemi, and evelyn.

taken from alvin.

and almost cry mbaca postnya aaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ the making was a blah moment. read his post.

he’s right. i bet dari semua peserta lomba saat itu GAK ADA seng beritane se fresh kita. siang jam2 baru kejadian, jam7 diprint, jam9 dikumpulin. kayak koran beneran y? haha.. it was a super great team work, mulai dari gambar logo, layout, artikel, kerja di tatib, nyambi kerja tugas english, ketemu pak herman, ngebut artikel hermawan di ruang osis, naek taxi mao ngeprin, semuaneeee…… miss u all guyss…

we won, 2nd place di top5nya. sayangnya, setelah kita menang, lomba ni gak pernah diadain lagi sampe skarang. cuman pernah 2 kali newspaper design digelar. untung pernah ikut [dan menang] wahahaha~!

dan sampe skrg fave partku dari koran ini tetep 1. fotone hermawan kartajaya seng tangane masok di kantong, nyender di foto laine hahahahaha~ hebat to isa dapet foto itu… sebenere ngescan foto dari bukune dia si hehehe

taken from : evelynhansen21.tk

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