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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion dikenal juga dengan sebutan tipuan mata/ilusi mata(indonesian version). Di indonesia sendiri sudah banyak buku(lokal maupun buku import) yang membahas/berisikan gambar-gambar optical illusion.... Buku yang ada di pasaran(bahasaIndonesia) seperti: Ilusi mata ada 2 volume yang pertama judulnya Ilusi matatipuan penglihatan dan volume ke dua Ilusi mata persepsi yang keliru terbitan Megindo tunggal sejahtera....

Lalu optical illusion itu sendiri apa??
Each point of the image formed at the retina is analyzed and then transmitted to the brain in the form of coded signals.
This is in theory similar for all.
In fact the visual zones of the brain analyze these signals and give us a representation of the perceived object.
Interpretation that makes the brain of it can sometimes be ambiguous and these mistakes in interpretation cause sometimes "optical illusions", which are not perceived in the same way by everyone.
Lihat 4 titik di tengah selama 40 detik lalu lihat ke tembok putih dan kedip2 kan matamu, apa yang tejadi?

Comments :

3 comments to “Optical Illusion”

wew.yang uda nyoba pada liat apa ni d tembok?aku kok liat'e wajah YESUS yaaa..hmm??

purpLEEZ* said...

haha.. ya iya lha.. emang ketoke gitu.. coba mukamu sng ditaro.. yo kamu ketok mukamu lis..

Anonymous said...

hehh?emange iku gambar wajae yesus?gak to?duhh gak ngerti mbo lah sam.hahahha

purpLEEZ* said...