jadi intinya dengan menjalankan program ini, kita bisa mendengarkan suara dari apa yang kita tulis... lumayan lah buat loe yang pingin tau suara dari vocab bahasa inggris, soalnya ngomongnya pake dialek bule gitu kayak suaranya cinta laura... asli seru!!! Silakan dicoba
Mau yang praktis?!

What is Speaking Notepad?
Speaking Notepad is handy text editor with powerful text-to-speech capabilities.
Speaking Notepad will read your TXT, RTF, DOC, HTML and PDF documents with SAPI4
and SAPI5-compliant high quality voices,
different speed and pitches, read clipboard content,
record texts into WAV, MP3 and WMA files and even read every word or sentence
you are typing.
How Speaking Notepad 5 differs from previous versions?
Full SpeechAPI 5 support
Multi-language interface support
Different visual styles of program
Record speech into WAV/MP3/WMA sound file easily
... and much more!
Speaking Notepad is handy text editor with powerful text-to-speech capabilities.
Speaking Notepad will your TXT, RTF, DOC, HTML and PDF documents,
readme's, notes, e-mails and clever and interesting thoughts aloud.
With its help you'll cope quickly with routine work at home or in the office.
Just imagine, how much easier it is to listen to texts instead of reading them! Give a rest to your eyes!
The program will read texts with SAPI4 and SAPI5-compliant high quality voices, different speed and pitches,
read clipboard content, record texts into WAV, MP3 or WMA files
and even read every word or sentence you are typing. That means you can
control your typing aurally without looking fixedly at your monitor.
Speaking Notepad is designed for those who value swift commodity in work
combined with fascinating abilities and an interface which will delight your eyes.
It will definitely become your best friend.
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